Tuesday 23 April 2013

Thursday 14 March 2013

Fact or Auta..Life Must go on... ^_^

Salam... finally, get time to write sumting in my blog...owh...terbiar agak lama disebabkan kekangan masa n kemalasan mengUpdate... oke..straight to the point.. in this entry i juz want to write sumting about what we call feeling n love n let go..!


okey..first of all..its about feeling...sumer orang ada perasaan kan..yang takde perasaan tu aku tak taulah...mungkin ada sumting wrong kat urat saraf mereka2 kot...bg yang ada perasaan know that kita ada rasa sayang, marah,rindu, benci,geram n yang sewaktu dengannya...tapi aku juz nak elaborate pasal feeling sayang n cinta....sebab apa, sebab benda ni relate ngan citer aku yang seterusnya nanti..hewhew

...bila kita mula ada rasa sayang n cinta kat sumone n kita mula propose sumone tu as special one, one thing u should owez remember is take care of their feeling....jangan sesuka hati kita nak permainkan perasaan orang..i mean when u manage to get sumone, after a few month / year than u ignore her/him like an abandone people or easy way we call "rubbish"...y..? y..? y...? bcoz u r such a fucking bitch if u do that..how come eh..u work hard with ur sweet talk n finally u declared as " i'm his/her special one" but later " u go away..so annoying " did u guy get what im trying to say here....?hewhew...there is a term call "karma"...anything u do, when its related with people feeling, later you will feel d same.... n this is for me is fact...juz my opinion oke...

im juz trying to deliver message...

it is so easy for a person to say such word like i love u, i miss u, i dont want losing u, ill be yours forever..heyyo..its so F%&*^ S*&%.... y im saying this, its not bcoz i hate those word but it is bcoz i think the one who say those word loudly is juz a sweet talker...! believe me...i know there a many people out there realize this situation..sweet talker is everywhere....hewhew

yea, i know that we had known each other..but, please...let by gone be by gone...u know what, it is such a bad feeling when u still try to do such a childish stuff like "masquerade" juz bcoz u want to investigate me, who with me n am i taken or not...u know..its totally ANNOYING... oke..maybe u forgot already...let me  remind u again the flow of the story....at first, i don want to write all those thing, but ur act force me.. i hope u will read..im tired u know...really tired...y not u juz think bout ur future..don't look back anymore...there are huge responsibility waiting for u..please don't be too childish juz because LOVE...u oredi said dat all those thing is nothing..wasting time..all those act was juz annoying...so, what to wait for anymore..? y asking again n again n again if u know the answer is NO n never...im juz trying to be honest..i don't even know, for how many time i oredi say the same thing again n over again...i don want to write such a long story bcoz this is not an entry bout memories..nope..its juz a message...telling that, yea people will only appreciate u guys when they're missing u n when u walked away from their life.....this is fact n its happen..n one more thing, y they act like that..? thats what they want n y they have to begging u for another chance..g mam*% la dgn chance hoiii... please la..don't do this..try n learn to appreciate people...not juz ur couple, but also ur family n friend...this is universal when its about "kasih sayang"... don't play-play oke =) ..if u losing them, its better for u  try to forget them n try to find other...n pray a lot..if they r meant to be with u later, they will be yours...juz believe oke....don't force urself to be such a cute, sweet, pijak semut pun tak mati attitude..its a bad attitude..juz b yourself..i believe that, most people like those that b themself..not fake...! not juz ur couple, but also ur family n friend...this is universal when its about "kasih sayang"... don't play-play oke =) sleepy  oredi... later in my next post..ill write sumting bout... "juz let it go"...

i hope u read this...

p/s : ignore broken eng...hahah..this is my personal blog, so i think, its oke la for broken eng..maybe..? "Practice make Perfect"

Assalammualaikum =)

Saturday 9 February 2013



Heyyooo...semalammm..yer semalam aku mimpi...mimpi pasal emm...adalaah..disebabkan banyak sangat fikir pasal benda tu kot yang buatkan aku sampai termimipi mimpi...hewhew..aku ingatkan benda tu betul2 jadi..rupanya tak..tapi tak mustahil ianya akan jadi nanti =) sebab sumtym apa aku rasa kadang2 ianya betul2 terjadi...whoa...terbaikla kan..ahhaah..k adioss....



i juz donno wat im thinking juz now...juz trying to be cool...be myself....heyyyoo totally mess up..! cool farah cool..relax..chill...juz forget it..forget everything...juz smile n go on..whoaaa..! life is so cool...!

**wanna say something**

semua serba tak kena...


heyyyoo....its nothing xtually...wat happen juz now..?

1- im juz take out my battery from laptop and less than 5 minutes "pop" suddenly my lappy shutdown....yeah, i got it....money..money..money...my laptop battery cannot b use anymore..! no more..! need to get a new one n of course please be nice to me dear salesman..don tooo expensive..hewhew...cheap one laaa....survey n survey...

2- i keep try to chat with anyone that is still online till dis time..when we r on facebook, when there's a green light on their name at chat name list, it is suppose to be dat they're online rite..? N with full of confident, click their name, chatbox popup n say "hye, tido la lagi weii..", "hai, pakcik" but suddenly the green light dissappear..what the helllllyaaaaaa..? im juz wondering what will they think tomorrow when they read the mesej...gila ke apa kan, org dh tido tapi aku hantar mesej kt chatting suruh tido..get it.? hewhew..

thats all....muah X0X0




heyyooo....again tepat 12:55a.m on 10 feb 2013 satu lagi cerita kutitipkan...hewhew..ini semua poyo..arh..peduli la kan...poyo itu indah :P eh, btw Hepi Chinese New Year for all my chinese friend...hahha..macamla diorang baca sumer ni kan..watsoever la..

oke..berbalik pada tujuan asal aku menaip kali ni...juz nak share pasal kejadian petang tadi...Kejadian yang bagi aku, ape benda la..benda kecik je pon..haaaa..camtula..

citer dia camni....petang tadi, masa aku tengah bedah2 laptop adik aku yang kena heart attack aku rasa..sebab suddenly tak respond bila on..or lebih sesuai kena strok... oke.not funny at all.. -.-" then, tiba2 kazen aku datang. Dia baru balik dari library..aku anggap dia baru balik dari study la kan kat sana..InsyaAllah..then, sumone call her..n i asked, who is he..? why he..? coz the way they talk to each other is more like couple...kazen aku ni pon nampak cover2 depan aku..maybe sebab dulu aku penah nasihat dia, takyah nak kapel2 dulu..belajar dulu..ahahhaha..macam aku baik sangat kan...padahal pernah je kapel...sebab pernah la aku nasihat..belajar dari pengalaman..aku takmo la adik aku, kazen2 aku pon kena kan..tambah2 lagi diorang masih budak Under Age.....baru je form 3 derrrr..whoaaaa....makan minum pon mak ayah support lagi...ahhaha...so, nak dipendekkan citer, aku pun tanyala.....

aku : sape tu yang kol?

kazen : diam -____________-

aku : sape tu, pakwe eyh..?

kazen : senyum kambing  ^____________^

aku : start membebel blablablabla....

kazen : **ckp kt pakwe dia "ye, nak balik la, kat umah pak ngah sekarang ni haaa..ye ye, pasni ayah datang odw dh tu" <<<ayat yang sama dia cakap ulang2..aku pon fedup la.....

aku : bak sini fon tu..aku nk ckp...( dia pon bagila)

aku : hello?

c bf : hello, ni sape? **dengan nada kasar

aku : aku kazen dia...ko nape? dia kat umah kitorang, ko takyah risau k....<nada baik lagi>

c bf : risau risau...baliklah umah sendiri..ni nak stay umah korang dh nape..< sukar aku nak translate sbb speak sarawakian :P )

aku : takyah la risau, dia selamat, aku jaga dia, takde nya nak curang bagai...

c bf : suruhla dia balik...hish..blalabla..***menyirap darah aku..

aku then tnya kazen (form 3) aku brapa umur daktu, rupa2nya baru 17 tahun...whoaaaaaaa.....cakap macam umur dh besar panjang...kurang ajar sangat..n aku soh kazen aku bukak loud speaker..n dak tu ada ckp, " aku peduli apa dia lebih tua dari aku ke apa, ingat aku takut? " mak aiiii..aku dengar terus cakap, dahla kazen oi, takyah nk kapel ngan mamat camtu...makan pakai mak ayah bagi, ada hati nak jaga anak orang dengan gaya kurang ajar macamtu..n aku dengar dia cakap dia nak tampar kazen aku..aku pon menyampuk la, " ko sape nak tampar2 anak orang..ko suami dia ke..? lebih kurang nak sejam jugak la dia kol kazen aku soh balik...

nak cakap bodoh, tapi sekolah..dah orang cakap odw yang dia masih nak force2 dah kenapa..? aku memang geram. Laz2 kazen aku tipu n cakap hp low bat...tu pun dak tu tak caye..then, lepas oncall.aku pun bagilah kazen aku nasihat...hinggakan aku nampak dia macam emo, aku pon minta maaafla...ahaha..bukan aku sengaja pon, aku buat macamtu sebab sayang... ceh perasan caring.. hewhew..n aku berharap dia pikir leklok la....budak yang belum ada apa2 dah berani nak angkat tangan..hisssssyh....nak je cakap kat mummy dia...hahaha..tapi takpe, aku cakap, t lau dah single, inform aku..aku nak welcome dia kt life aku as single person..ahahhaha

point aku kat sini adalah...

** ko tu budak2 lagi..spm pon tak lepas lagi, takyah nak berlagak macam tu sangat
**dari cara ko layan kazen aku tu dah macam ko tu suami dia
**belajar la dulu leklok, baru fikir cinta k..masuk u nanti bayak orang ko akan jumpa..pilih je (ni jgn ikut)
**tepuk dada tanya selera k dak kecik...
**belajar hormat orang k...


Friday 8 February 2013

aku.dia.kamu.mereka.kita semua..!

Assalammualaikum =)

Entri ringkas tepat jam 2:39a.m tanggal 9 februari 2013...hewhew..actually aku tengah download citer, dats y tak tido2 lagi...macam tak biasa pulak kan....so, aku dah taktau nak wat ape, so aku pun terjah la macam2 site, airasia la,mas la,mudah la, lelong la,blog2 org la n laz2 update blog sendiri..hehe...aku taktau nak mulakn citer macamana sbb takder citer..ahaha..takpe2 aku citer jugak...

laz year 2012, tak sangka masa cepat berlalu..sekarang dah bulan februari 2013 u....! whoaaa....so fast...life must go on rite...laz year banyak suka duka aku hadapi...bermula aku masuk unimas n sekarang tahun ni aku masuk tahun 2 dah..yeay...! nak citer pasal dua sem yang dh lepas (tahun 1) dua2 sem pon aku seronok, tapi sem 2 sikit tak seronok sebab aku ada tergaduh sikit ngan mmber aku merangkap kawan yang aku sayang..hewhew..gaduh bukan gaduh betul pon..its juz salah faham kot..? babe, no hard feeling oke..?hihi...tu kenangan tau...kenangan sem 2.small matter je pon sebenarnya...ahhaha...aku je yang terlebih2...ish2.. :P .bila aku duduk then ingat benda tu, aku rasa n terfikir, aku dah kenapa?hahahha...teremosi lak...bak kata orang cepat nak taching....HAHHAHAHA...sangaaat memalukan...arghhh..siiyes malu....

aku bukan jenis cepat taching secara fizikalnya, tapi secara mentalnya, yes aku cepat taching.....tapi aku bole handle xtually...tapi ntahla nape aku masa tu takleh nak handle..stress kot..?hahaha.....takpe2, sekarang 2013..aku dah back to normal me..no more taching2..its not fun at all =) its not fun if u have to fight with ur friend/classmate/family member/haousemate/roomate...siyesly no fun! except u do it for fun...ahhaha..what am i talking bout..?juz forget it...makesure to take care of anyone around u..sumtym we even do not realize dat we hurt people around us..same goes to me as im juz speak out what i want to say..n its oke if people around u can accept ur word n no hard feeling but its totally mess if they're not....n one more thing, its not fun if u r tooo serious with everything....relax la babe, cool, takyahla nak siyes sangat sampai gurau pon takleh nak terima..tak fun la...ahahhaha..bermacam ragam manusia aku dah jumpa n aku sendiri pon  ada jugak macam tu....sumtym oke..maybe? i don't even know..hewhew..

sem 3...yeay juz less than 13 day to go..our class xtually start on 18 feb maybe..but i extend my holiday..ahhaha..watever la kan....first week maybe not so important...xtually YES important, but yeah juz let it go...dis is my first tym, so y not b a bad one sumtym..ahahha..

motif citer2 ni sumer...no motif at all...saje nak menaip membuang masa...haha..n my hope for this year + dis semester.....

**kurangkan malas lebihkan rajin
**kurangkan game lebihkan study
**kurangkan makan lebihkan diet
**kurangkan rehat lebihkan solat
**kurangkan kontroversi tingkatkan prestasi
**takmo gaduh2...even untuk yang small matter....no more =) 

**miss all of my fren/classmate/housemate/roomate...C u guys**

Mownite, Salam =)


Monday 28 January 2013

Sweet Memory with BFF

Salam...hye u olz...kali nie aku nak update n share pasal kenangan manis aku ngan member aku pada hari laz kitorg berjumpa iaitu pada hari raptai konvo awal tahun lepas... OMG...laz year..? yesssss...laz year...sorry sebab lambat sangat nak upload sumer pic2 tu...as u know..i am soOoo Lazy to do such thing...btw, ni atas permintaan my Bestfriend "ANIS"  <bole add dia d fb> hahaha..saja mo promote...wait..wait..before tu aku nak kenalkan sikit latarbelakang member aku ni...


hyeee...i'm Anis...im from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah...

taraaaa...dis is anis...kitorang kenal masa diploma kat politeknik kuching sarawak..dia budak sabah..budak sabah lawa2 kan..?hahhaa....kitorang mula rapat sejak hujung semester 1...kalau xsilap lah....Cam biasala kitorang satu kelas, kawan punya kawan lama kelamaan kitorang pun rapat..tambahan lagi sama2 tinggal kat hostel...syukur sebab dapat dok dalam dari first sem sampa final sem...hahha..out of topic...Kitorang sebenarnya bertiga, sorang lagi Arina...kemana kitorang pergi akan bertiga dan kitorang salu lepak sama2...tapi sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit, apa pulak sahabat handai kan...jangan fikir kitorang tak pernah gaduh....sangat2 pernah..n it takes long time jugak la...masing ego.....bila kenang balik, yea, macam budak2....Antara kenangan kitorang sepanjang 3 tahun kenal...kitorang join jpk kamsis sama2,  jadi exco, kitorang join kursus comptia sama2, kursus java sama2, makan, minum, tido, main...semua bersama...kenangan yang tak akan dilupakan sampai bila2....emmm....setakat ni dulu oke..t aku wat entri khas pasal dia ^_^ Btw, makcik, ko baca kan..? 
juz want u to know that,
 I Love U Babe... <3 saranghae :P 
t kita jumpa lau ada rezeki k ...

So, kat bawah ni gambar aku n dak2 kelas masa hari raptai konvo tahun lepas....biar gambar berbicara...Adios.... 

my classmate..some of them...sory gambar blurr...

we r dip jun'08-april'11 batch

sarah...hardworking person..

my bff <arina + anis> both from Sabah

win + eileen ^_^

souvenier from Anis

siti , anonymous, arina
**siti mirlyna also my bestfriend

thats all...