Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Nota Buat Teman..

Salam..Hye...disebabkan aku tak pandai nak bermadah bagai aku teruskan je la 
menulis yer..tak payah ada intro sumer tu.. Tajuk macam skema jekan...Nota Buat Teman..skema okeyh! Tapi, abaikan tajuk tu...
Entri kali ni aku juz nak minta maafpada semua kawan2 aku, yang pernah jumpa n kenal aku secara realiti KHASnya dan yang pernah kenal di alam maya AMnya...Aku nak minta maaf sangat if aku pernah terkasar bahasa, terlanjur kata, terbuat korang sakit hati, terperli korang,termarah korang, buat korang kecewa, buat korang fed up dan macam macam lagi yang ada yg aku sedar ada yang aku sendiri pon xsedar.. Harap dimaafi lah yer.. 

Aku juz nak buka buku baru....

Yang baik tu datang dari Allah S.W.T dan yang buruk tu datang dari diri aku sendiri..Aku  tak paksa korang maafkan atau tak..tu hak individu..yang pasti aku memang nak minta maaf..

p/s - kalau da yg korang rasa tak puas hati ke, tak suka ke, sila gtau aku..comment or pm or dengan apa cara sekalipun.. Bila2 kita leh "mati"..aku taknak ada simpan dendam or apa2 pun dengan sapa2..

Perisian Java Terkini mendedahkan PC kepada Hackers

BOSTON: Computer security firms are urging PC users to disable Java software in their browsers, saying the widely installed, free software from Oracle opens machines to hacker attacks and there is no way to defend against them. 

The warnings, which began emerging over the weekend from Rapid7, AlienVault and other cyber security firms, are likely to unnerve a PC community scrambling to fend off growing security threats from hackers, viruses andmalware. 

Researchers have identified code that attacks machines by exploiting a newly discovered flaw in the latest version of Java. Once in, a second piece of software called "Poison Ivy" is released that lets hackers gain control of the infected computer, said Jaime Blasco, a research manager with AlienVault Labs. 

Several security firms advised users to immediately disable Java software -- installed in some form on the vast majority of personal computers around the world -- in their internet browsers. Oracle says that Java sits on 97 per cent of enterprise desktops. 

"If exploited, the attacker will be able to perform any action the victim can perform on the victim's machine," said Tod Beardsley, an engineering manager with Rapid7's Metasploit division. 

Computers can get infected without their users' knowledge simply by a visit to any website that has been compromised by hackers, said Joshua Drake, a senior research scientist with the security firm Accuvant. 

Java is a computer language that enables programmers to write one set of code to run on virtually any type of machine. It is widely used on the internet so that Web developers can make their sites accessible from multiple browsers running on Microsoft Windows PCs or Macs fromApple. 

Security experts recommended that users not enable Java for universal use on their browsers. Instead, they said it was safest to allow use of Java browser plug-ins on a case-by-case basis when prompted for permission by trusted programs such as GoToMeeting, a Web-based collaboration tool from Citrix Systems. 

Rapid7 has set up a web page that tells users whether their browser has a Java plug-in installed that is vulnerable to attack: www.isjavaexploitable.com/.

Mengaibkan dan mencuri gambar perempuan "Agen Pencari Jodoh (AAS)"

Salam...selamat petang..entri ringkas nak ajak korang sama2 share n sama2 


Page ni mengumpulkan gambar perempuan yang diorang curi kat profil korang..tak kira yang bertudung atau pun tak bertudung..semua diorang sapu..So, jadi tanggungjawab kita bersama untuk downkan page ni...Mungkin ada gambar2 kengkawan korang, adik beradik korang dalam ni n xmustahil gambar korang pun ada..So, jom kita report...Lagi ramai lagi cepat page ni DOWN.. 

klik link kat bawah untuk report 

Bagi yang tak tau cara nak report sila ikut step kat bawah

step 1 :

bukak page tersebut..Tapi JANGAN klik LIKE page

step 2 :

klik pada bahagian MESSAGE pada bahagian kanan atas..
kemudian akan keluar pilihan, korang pilih report page

step 3 :

Akan keluar pop up..So korang pilih salah satu sebab nak report

Step 4 :

Klik "Continue"..DONE..!

-Bersama Membanteras Jenayah Siber-